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Friday, November 11, 2011

The Llama Diaries Finds a New Home

It's been a while since posting here, but the llamas have not been neglected in the meantime.  In fact so much has been happening that I haven't had time to post.

Firstly, The llamas have a new home in the milder climes of southern BC.

Secondly, they have finally launched their own business with a brand new website

A new educational organisation has been established for all fibre artists called the Fibre Arts Bootcamp, which also has it's own website at

A final piece of llama news is that Ping, who featured so much in this blog, produced an exact replica of herself in another rare genetic trait called pre-potency.  She always has to do something unusual!

Little Kazuko was a bit of a surprise.  She is the delightful product of a minor mistake in that 'someone' forgot to count all the girls in the field before shutting the gate and letting boys loose.  Oops!

Kazuko means 'child or daughter of peace'.  A very appropriate name since her mother's name means 'peace' or 'peaceful'.