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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Winter Fizz

Our Canadian weather has mellowed considerably since Ping's grand entry in to this winter wonderland, but snow was still falling as Talluleh, SoDah's younger sister, made a surprise announcement that she too wanted to have a baby.

It is well known that llama's can conceal a pregnancy beneath their thick coats and the only indication is their determination to spit at the males. Some females spit at the males just for entertainment, but SoDah was most obviously carrying a baby, yet Talluleh, who is somewhat smaller, showed no outward signs of being pregnant.......until her waters broke.

In actual fact, we noticed her behaviour was different earlier in the day as she she stood poised over the bean piles for long periods without passing anything.

So on the 30th December, Firaza was unceremoniously dumped into the snow. Following our difficult experience with Pinguino, we wasted no time in whisking the little chap into the studio for a complete rub down and blow dry, ensuring his downy undercoat was completely dry and fluffy, before returning him to his mother.

By the time we re-united Firaza with Talluleh, she had passed the afterbirth and took him into the relative warmth of the deep straw stall to nurse him.

Weighing in at a hefty 32lbs, Firaza was as strong and spritely as Ping was quiet (I understand that the word 'Ping' means peaceful).

Firaza had to endure a bout of conjunctivitis, fairly common in crias. We treated this with a daily dose of homoeopathic pulsatilla and bathing the eyes with 'eyebright'. His eyes watered constantly and were obviously worse when he was brought into the warm studio for treatment and weighing each day.

He held his head high and his eyes partially closed as they flooded with stinging tears.

As with most of our animals, they quickly adopt nicknames and Fizz seemed like the most appropriate sobriquet.

I wonder what they call us?

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